Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Oral Cancer Screening

Early identification of high-risk disease could greatly reduce both mortality and morbidity due to oral cancer. We describe a simple handheld device that facilitates the direct visualization of oral-cavity fluorescence for the detection of high-risk precancerous and early cancerous lesions. Blue excitation light (400 to 460 nm) is employed to excite green-red fluorescence from fluorophores in the oral tissues. Tissue fluorescence is viewed directly along an optical axis collinear with the axis of excitation to reduce inter- and intraoperator variability. This robust, field-of-view device enables the direct visualization of fluorescence in the context of surrounding normal tissue. Results from a pilot study of 44 patients are presented. Using histology as the gold standard, the device achieves a sensitivity of 98% and specificity of 100% when discriminating normal mucosa from severe dysplasia/carcinoma in situ (CIS) or invasive carcinoma. We envisage this device as a suitable adjunct for oral cancer screening, biopsy guidance, and margin delineation.
©2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
VELscope Operation Manual
Provided to you when you purchase your VELscope. Please carefully review this booklet, as it contains the instructions for use of your VELscope system, as well as all associated warnings, precautions, indications and contraindications. It also contains the technical specifications of your system and a troubleshooting section to help you when you experience difficulties with the unit.
VELscope Training DVD
This comprehensive VELscope training course on DVD explains in detail how to assemble and use your VELscope unit. The DVD has four modules: the proper 10-step oral cancer examination procedure, including examination by conventional incandescent light; VELscope assembly and accessories; the VELscope screening procedure; and a VELscope clinical use guide. As a special bonus, the DVD also includes a PowerPoint® presentation providing additional useful information about oral cancer and VELscope. Please be sure to have all VELscope users complete this training prior to using the system. To obtain a free copy of this Training DVD, please contact VELscope's Support Desk at support@velscope.com or 1.888.541.4614
VELscope Step-By-Step Examination Guide
This laminated sheet is provided to you when you purchase your VELscope system. It explains in detail how to perform a complete VELscope examination. To obtain an electronic copy, click here.
Lexi-Comp’s “Oral Soft Tissue Diseases, A Reference Manual for Diagnosis and Management”
This pictorial reference guide is provided with the optional VELscope Starter Kit. While no one single source can address all situations, this book is an excellent reference manual that presents much of the information necessary to diagnose and manage oral soft tissue diseases. To order a Starter Kit, contact your dealer of choice (for a list of authorized VELscope dealers, please click here). For sales to Institutions and Government Agencies please click here.
LED Dental Inc. / VELscope Support Desk
Don’t hesitate to contact us at support@velscope.com or 1.888.541.4614 if you have any questions or comments pertaining to the VELscope system and its operation.
VELscope Website
Our website (www.velscope.com) has general VELscope information, including downloadable patient management and oral lesion tracking forms, available here.
Oral Cancer Foundation
The Oral Cancer Foundation connects oral cancer patients to each other for support, and its website has comprehensive oral cancer information. We encourage you to visit the Foundation’s website at www.oralcancerfoundation.org, and also consider joining the Foundation.
American Cancer Society
Canadian Cancer Society
Detroit Oral Cancer Prevention Project Continuing Medical & Dental Education Course
This University of Michigan course does an excellent job of presenting a web based CE program on oral cancer. For more information, please visit www.snapdragonmedia.com/projects/UMDental/CE


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Crystal said...

For many years, oral cancer awareness has fallen by the wayside, but with the recent development of early detection systems, the disease is getting more popularity. Now with the introduction of Velscope, an easy, noninvasive way to detect early on oral, or mouth cancers, before they get to the advanced stage. To know more read here http://integratedmedicine.tv/oral-cancer-screening